Availability calendar for our villa Jasmin in Fitou

You will find below the table of reservations for our villa Jasmin.
You will be able to see the availability in green and the periods already reserved in red.
If you have any questions, please feel free to write us a message in the booking / information request further down on this page.
COVID action: In the event of confinement, we are committed to refunding your reservation or postponing your stay to a later date.
During school holidays, rentals are from Saturday to Saturday
We remind you that the villa will be cleaned before your arrival and at the end of your stay. We ask you to return Villa Jasmin in a clean and tidy condition, the dishwasher emptied as well as the bins emptied when you leave it. If you break something, let us know so that we can find a solution together to replace it.

Request for reservation or info